Griff’s little brain (and some food)
So far, one of the coolest things about being a parent has been watching Griff’s little brain develop. Two or three weeks ago, he was starting to grab soft objects like clothes, squishy toys, and blankets. Now he’s developed enough hand-eye coordination that we can hand him hard objects (like the wooden teether/rattle below, from FinnsandFlowers on Etsy), and he’ll take them from us with both hands. It’s just amazing to see how quickly he’s gained the physical and mental skills to do this. His little brain must be churning away nonstop in there!
Griff has always preferred being held upright, and he’s really wanting to sit up (with help) as much as possible. His head control has improved a ton lately, so the Bumbo chair will be seeing some real use soon.
I had my Wednesday at home today, so along with taking Griff out grocery shopping and spending a lot of time playing with him (and trying unsuccessfully to get him to nap, sigh) I was able to do some cooking. Jenn posted a link to a tantalizing biscuit recipe on Facebook today, so I was inspired to make some to go with dinner. My biscuits didn’t turn out to be as perfect and food-porn-y as the originals, but they were sure tasty! (And they used up some cheddar cheese that was on the verge of getting tossed.)
Biscuits might seem like a weird accompaniment to something as carbtastic as red beans and rice, but YOU WOULD BE WRONG.