Last night, talking ’bout last night…
8:20pm: Jag rocks Griff to sleep after his tank-up and bath.
11:something pm: Griff wakes up, has to be nursed to sleep.
3:something am: Griff wakes up, has to be nursed to sleep.
4:something am: Griff wakes up, Jag rocks him to sleep.
5:37am: Happy loud babbling followed by panicky wails. Griff has somehow managed to get his leg stuck through the crib slats even though he’s in a sleep sack. We drag Griff to our bed to try and salvage an hour or so of sleep.
5:45am: Griff finishes his early morning snack, gets his paci.
5:46am: Baby wrestling match ensues wherein the front of my nightgown is attacked. Apparently Griff is still hungry and wants “the other one”. Nurse Griff, reinsert paci.
5:54am: Loud hiccups from Griff.
6:07am: Hiccups finally stop, Griff falls asleep. Unlike his parents.