In which I enter the cut-throat world of Etsy

This past weekend was pretty good, despite my being on an electronic leash the entire time. (The pager handoff is tomorrow morning; I feel like drinking a bottle of wine tomorrow night, just because I CAN). In addition to Starrlight Meadery’s very tasty and fun Mead Day celebration hosted at the Chatham Hill Winery in Morrisville (in which I regretfully had to limit my participation, due to the above-mentioned leash), there was the predictable craft activity.

I’ve spun up an entire bobbin of the “Autumn Bliss” roving, and I can’t wait to get the second one filled so I can ply them together.

Autumn singles

Jag has made some more progress on the wool and cotton 2-color weaving he’s working on; you can see here how the colors are going to zig-zag back and forth.

Jag's weaving progress

I finished knitting up the ribbed mini-scarf with my first 98 or so yards of plied, hand-dyed handspun. This is a very cute and useful project if you have limited amounts of yarn. After it’s washed and blocked I’ll be looking for a large button to sew on.

Handspun Mini Scarflet

Finally, I’ve decided to stick my toe into the Etsy waters and see if I can sell some of my hand-dyed rovings and various other items. The virtual shelves will be empty for at least another week and a half, but in the meantime, here’s my little storefront, If I can sell a few things, great; if not, I won’t have to buy any spinning fibers for many months. :-)

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