Bean update
Today I’m supposed to be at 12 weeks, 2 days. However, at today’s diagnostic ultrasound, The Bean once again measured large, at 13 weeks, 4 days, which is now nine days ahead of my original due date. I’m going to have a chat with the doctor at my next visit about whether we need to move me up a week!
Here’s the latest image of The Bean at 12 (or is it 13?) weeks, in profile:
While the sonography tech was viewing the baby from every which angle to take various measurements, Jag noticed something poking out in one particular area. The tech very obligingly did a little extra imaging, and while it’s still really too early to be sure, she told us that we have a 70% chance of a little boy Bean, based on her findings. See marked area below (the tech did the labelling, not us!):