Final Countdown
Nothing really new or exciting at my 39-week OB appointment today. As usual, my blood pressure, iron levels and etc are just spiffy, my tummy measures as it should, and the Griffin heartbeat does a happy 140bpm whoosha-whoosha on the doppler. Unfortunately, between the very nasty (untreatable by NyQuil) cold I’ve picked up, the semi-related insomnia, and the normal 39-weeks-prego fatigue, I feel like a wet dishrag this week.
On the plus side, it turns out that my OB practice has a hands-off policy on interventions through week 41, so Griffin has at least a week and a half to make a break for it before we start doing fetal Non Stress Tests and talking induction. I’ve heard that some practices require inductions by week 40 (!?!?!) so I’m glad I won’t have to deal with that pressure for a little while, if at all.
Today I had some intriguing backaches and stomach cramps, but nothing that stuck around for more than a few hours. Given how awful I’m feeling right now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’d like to be a little more rested than this before labor starts, and it sure would be nice to be able to breathe.