Growth spurt, indeed
Our “little” Griffin just got back from his 1-month checkup. He’s 11 lbs 9.5 oz, which is 96th percentile for weight, and 23 3/4 in long, which is 98th percentile for height. Me and Jag, we grow ’em big, apparently! The doc also commented on the size of the baby’s feet. Wonder where he got those. 😉
In diaper news, we read some reports online that people were using regular prefold diapers stuffed into the gDiaper covers instead of buying the “official” gCloth inserts, so we switched to cloth last night and it’s actually working very well, with fewer leaks than the disposable pads (at least so far). Very interesting! So our cloth diaper investment may yet pay off, although I’m going to have to find a home for all those too-small diaper covers (which were unfortunately the most expensive part of the purchase).