6-week Update

Breaking news: Griffin is still cute. 🙂

Griffin, 6 weeks old

He tips the scales at 12lbs 10oz. He’s outgrown the newborn napper on his Pack ‘n’ Play and is nearly busting out of the moses basket we keep downstairs (which is kind of a problem!). He’s starting to coo adorably and smile, and is becoming more interactive.

Griffin has nearly outgrown the moses basket

Jag went back to work yesterday, so I’ve spent the last 2 days at home alone with the baby. I’m not as insane as I feared I would be. In fact, I’m getting a lot done, thanks to the sling and the mei tai that let me lug Griffin around while freeing up my hands. On the past 2 days, I’ve managed to get the following done:

–Take a shower
–Do 2-3 loads of laundry, one of which is always cloth diapers/cloth wipes
–Load/unload dishwasher
–Make myself lunch and eat it
–Feed Miranda her special wet toothless kitty food
–Scoop the litter boxes
–Clean up cat barf (sigh)
–Go to the potty when I need to (until you have a baby in the house, you have no idea what a challenge this is!)
–Take a 20-minute nap
–Get the mail/paper (and read the paper!)
–Get online to chat on irc and read Facebook/email
–Water the plants on the porch

Oh yeah, and take care of Griffin. 😉

The worst part of the past 6 weeks has been the sleep deprivation. I don’t really mind the diapers, the screaming fussy periods, the fact that he pees on everything, or the fact that I’m a 24-hour snack bar, but the 2-6 hours of interrupted sleep a night is real torture, especially over an extended period. Luckily, we’ve just discovered that swaddling really helps him sleep more soundly. (No company seems to make receiving blankets that are big enough for swaddling, so we’re using single-thickness approx 42″x42″ cotton flannel blankies that I made.) Last night he slept a solid 4 hours during his first stretch and for 2-3 hours in the periods after that. We’re hoping to keep that up for a while and build on it. Getting at least a 3-hour period of uninterrupted sleep really does make a huge difference!

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