Hanging with my Gnome-ies

Meet Griff’s newest playmates!!!!

This is Wilhelmina the Gnome.

Wilhelmina the Gnome

Wilhelmina enjoys reading classic literature.

Wilhelmina enjoying classic literature

She also has a side business reading tarot. Uh-oh, looks like someone drew the Death card!

Tarot with Wilhelmina

This is Willie the Gnome. Willie lives on the back of Wilhelmina’s head, kind of like Voldemort did on Professor Quirrell’s head. You could also think of this as a Ladyhawke kind of thing, except completely different.

Willie the Gnome

Willie is named for Willie Nelson, because he definitely has that Willie braid action going on when Wilhelmina flips her hair back. Let’s hope we don’t catch Willie smoking weed on the White House roof, like his namesake!

Willie the Gnome

Willie’s hobbies include reading about his favorite Gnome heroes…

Gnome heroes

…as well as developing unusual cocktail blends as part of his mixology studies.

Willie the Mixologist

The End

Comments: 1 Comment

One Response to “Hanging with my Gnome-ies”

  1. Sally S. says:

    Heather Heather Heather….
    You REALLY need to get out more….

    …but I’m glad you don’t because your posts crack me up.

