5 months

As unbelievable as it may seem, someone is FIVE MONTHS OLD today!!!

I'm 5 months old already?

Griff has had a very rough couple of days (and nights, oh lordy) due to teething pain. Last night he slept much better than we were expecting, and today I had my happy little guy back.

You’ll just have to take our word for the teeth. If you hold Griff down and put him in a straightjacket and use two hands to push his tongue aside and shine a Maglite in his mouth, you should be able see them poking up about an eighth of an inch through his gums. (However, if you let him chomp down on your hand, you will be in no doubt whatsoever of their existence.)


Griff is sitting up pretty well these days, almost unassisted. If he gets distracted or reaches for something too far away, he tips over, bumps his head on the floor, and starts screaming. He always falls in the direction of the pointiest/hardest/most fragile object in the vicinity.

Sitting Griff, 5 months

He certainly seems to enjoy being upright.

Happy Griff

Could he look any more like Jag?

Wobbly Griff

After he falls over, he usually ends up on his tummy. Luckily, he’s much happier on his tummy these days than he used to be. Recently he’s been showing a terrifying tendency to creep/hump along the floor.

Griffin and his ball

Tummy Griff

Also, he’s still obsessed with the measuring cups/spoons I gave him to play with.

And the Griff ran away with the spoon

On a totally unrelated note, I’m two rows and some borders from being done with a Thousand Pyramids quilt top! I had originally had big plans for this thing involving carefully arranged color gradations, but now that Griff is here, I’ve realized that finished is better than high-concept. Although I used to be strictly in the hand-quilting camp, I’ll probably use some kind of sturdy cotton duck or canvas for the backing and tie this one, maybe for use as a picnic blanket.

Pyramids quilt top, in progress

Comments: 2 Comments

2 Responses to “5 months”

  1. Sarah says:

    Your quilt looks like a great canidate for a denim back. Got any old jeans you need to use up? It’s awesome!

  2. hsarik says:


    Actually, I have been saving old jeans to use to make a rag rug. But I bet I have enough for both the rug and this quilt backing. Thanks, great idea!

